relationship pet peeve

i was just reminded of this while thinking about a different topic.  i hate it when someone will do something to make their significant other jealous just to see if they really care about them.  i find this to be so outrageously immature and i have little tolerance for it.  i think that this is destructive behavior and is indicative of much greater issues in the relationship.

6 thoughts on “relationship pet peeve”

  1. Agreed. But what if she’s tried communicating and tried communicating and he’s just totally unreceptive of it so she starts to go out with her single friends to try to see if jealousy would jog him into paying attention to her again?

  2. if the boyfriend is a complete dense and doesn’t give her as much attention as she needs, then maybe he’s the wrong boyfriend for her. if she has to push it to a certain extent to get his attention like going out with her single friends, then she probably have some confident issues with her relationship.

  3. all girls need attention. if only the guy gives it to her…then she doesn’t need to say or do things to get his attention. just give her what she wants and needs. she’ll be fine until the next time she’s pmsing. =)

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