she got off the plane

i knew it what to expect, but my heart still sank when the possibility of ross and rachel not getting back together seemed more possible last night in the friends finale. it’s been a ten year love affair i’ve had with the show and i’m sad to see it go. i’m not sure what my thursday nights are going to be like anymore. a little part of me will forever be changed.

and she got off the plane.

i can’t help it, i’m just a sucker for the love stories that end up working out. regardless of how contrived it may seem, i still can’t help but loving it. serendipity was a movie i liked quite a bit for that very reason. sappy love stories are my weakness.

i was surprised that they didn’t set up joey’s show in the episode, but the preview of the show looked pretty good. i think it definitely has potential.

ahhh, friends. i will miss you. it’s an end of an era.

One thought on “she got off the plane”

  1. So true, so true. I grew up on Friends. It’s one show I can say I’ve seen all the episodes. It’s good bye to an era.

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