volleyball and the weekend

saturday was the shindig tournament. it was a reverse 4s tournament that i played with jen, cathy, and de. it was a lot of fun and it was good to hang out with them. we had fun and played pretty well, though i think that i tweaked my ankle while playing over the weekend. not sure how i managed to tweak it while wearing an active ankle brace, but it hurt like you can’t imagine and still smarts now. *sigh* me and my ankle woes. when will it ever end?

sunday was spent with the fam celebrating father’s day. it was during this brunch that the conversation about me buying a house was started. i’m still not totally sure if this is something that i want to do, but i agreed to have my dad talk to his realtor friend to get me set up to look at some homes. it still feels a little wrong to look for a house without a wife…i don’t know, i just have this romanticized dream that my first house will be with my wife.

but i guess a lot of things said during that conversation made sense, so i guess i’ll just go start looking to buy a home. sigh.

2 thoughts on “volleyball and the weekend”

  1. hahaha.

    well, first off, i have never thought of a house as an investment. maybe i’m far too idealistic, but i really have always felt that a home is about starting a family and it shouldn’t come about any other way.

    i’ve dreamt about how i would pick out my first home with my wife and we’d look at neighborhoods for schools and where our children can play and have their lemonade stand and all sorts of things.

    so this whole idea of buying a home as an investment just doesn’t really mean much to me. i’m not in it for the money…i don’t think that i really ever have been. and with the whole divorce thing, i don’t think that i’ve ever gone down that path because i never really want to always end up preparing for the worst case scenario.

    and i guess part of the thing i liked about buying a house with the wife is that it’s an equal partnership. it’s something that we both put our time, energy, and money into. now, if i were to buy a house for myself…i don’t know if i would love it in the same way. it just starts to tear away at some of the long-standing dreams i’ve had about how my life is going to turn out. maybe i’m dreaming, maybe i’m a hopeless romantic, but that’s just the way i want to see my world.

  2. Ok this is going to sound bad, but if you buy a house before you’re married its not subject to CA community property laws. Thus not subject to being divided 50/50 should you get divorced. And besides a house is a great investment. Where else can you double your money or make $100k in a year?

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