such love

my love for you grows greater day by day. like a flower blossoming to reveal its glory, my love bathes in your delight and becomes more magnificent with each sunrise. how can i describe the passion that you inspire in me? such true bliss cannot be withheld. it would be criminal not to make such feelings known to the world…to hide them would be a far greater injustice than man has seen in this century (albeit, we’re not too far into this century, but still…)

yes indeed, i profess my undying love to thee. ah, my precious, my love. of course, i am talking to you, my maple donut.


5 thoughts on “such love”

  1. i’ll have you know that far fewer donuts have let me down than women. =P and i don’t think a donut has EVER rejected me.

    don’t get me wrong, if the right woman comes along, i’ll drop the donut like a bag of chips…unless, of course, they were jumping jack dorrito chips…those are pretty good too…

  2. *sigh* so it has come down to this… a DONUT?! you’re confessing your love to a donut?!!! 😛

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