weird mood

i’m in a weird mood today. not sure why but it feels like there’s a cloud hanging over me. just seemed to come over me when i woke up this morning. i’m sure it’s a momentary thing. oh well.

hopefully it’s just the hump day blues. gotta get over the hump to relax. cooked dinner with shirley last night. made pad thai and this red curry. it was quite good. ray and trang also made dinner, comprising of a roast chicken and steamed asparagus. ray made a mayonaise/soy sauce dipping sauce which reminded me of my mom’s cooking.

i’ve been rather unproductive lately. i’ve been meaning to get my brother his birthday gift but just haven’t gotten around to it. i think that i’ll go to the mall later today and pick it up for him.

the drive to work was especially long today and i was especially tired so when i got to work, i did the unthinkable and i went and got a white mocha and donut. i need to remember not to get a donut when getting coffee. the contrast in flavors isn’t very appealing to me.

just gotta get over the hump…


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