mike, paul, leeya and i went biking on canada road this sunday. the road is closed off and set aside just for bikers and rollerbladers so it was a nice opportunity to do some street biking. i’m actually surprised at the amount of street biking that i’m doing and i’m amazed at how much of a difference a pair of slicks will make. i’m very tempted to get another couple of wheels and tires for road biking. after riding paul’s bike with slicks, i noticed quite a big difference.
[/url] i met up with the other three at mike’s house and we started to gather together all of our stuff. paul and i ended up biking while leeya and mike were blading. i wasn’t sure if we were going to be able to put everything into the back of paul’s car, but paul assured me that it would fit. and it did…just barely. we actually had to deflate my rear tire so that it would fit ever so snugly into the back of the station wagon. it was a tight fit, but everything did manage to fit in ok and we were headed off.
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the trail itself is a 4 mile out and back line with rolling hills. it was pretty easy going for the most part, one of the easier trails i’ve gone on recently, but it was nice to be able to go out. we took a few breaks here and there. there were a few steep hills and mike was telling me that there were a few scary moments on his blades. i don’t know if i have it in me to blade anymore. i am definitely not comfortable enough to go on blades and big hills…just can’t do it.
i wear bike gloves when i ride and after this trip i happened to look down at my hands and saw tan lines! i remember telling [url=http://jimmy.ocliw.com]jimmy[/url] that i was afraid of getting tan lines when i go out and bike in the sun, but he reassured me that it would never happen. later in the evening, i was talking to a friend of mine and she told me that it looked like i had used the self-tanning lotion and had forgotten to put some on the back of my hands. lovely.
after biking we went to san mateo where we were planning to eat at sushi sam’s. when we got there we found that it was closed! it’s been so long since i had gone there and i was looking forward to eating there that day. instead we ended up eating at this burger place, which was pretty good, but my heart was still longing for some sushi sam’s.