i just started watching blind justice. it’s a show about a homocide detective losing his vision and coming back to work as a cop to solve crimes. it is actually kind of cool and reminds me just a little bit of daredevil.
i recommend checking it out if you’ve got time. you don’t really see too many shows with good writing. i don’t like the whole wife-subplot in the movie, it seems sort of forced, uncomfortable, and overused. but aside from that i like it a lot.

last weekend a bunch of us went hiking at the portola redwoods state park. we hit a few roadblocks, went over some dilapidated bridges, saw a waterfall, and forded a creek. all in all a pretty fun trip.
man, i didn’t know that REM had released a new album last year, but i am in love with around the sun. it has a very calming, soothing sound to it. it sort of helps me lose myself while coding away.
i bought a present for myself and now i’m obsessive about checking the tracking on it to see where in the world my package is.
so close, yet so, so far away!
But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks?