dinner with leeya

last night after a little volleyball, i dropped by leeya’s and had some of her noodles that she made for dinner. i haven’t eaten much of leeya’s cooking, but what i’ve had so far has actually been pretty decent. at least from the stories i’ve heard, i thought that there would have been reason to be concerned, but such is not the case.

the noodles were good and we chatted briefly about each other’s going-ons.

last night, jen and i watched some tv together. we haven’t watched tv together in ages, mostly because all she watches are korean soaps now.

supernatural was pretty freaky, but i liked it a lot. i think that this show is going to definitely be a keeper. one hour watched, 39 more shows to go! ugh.

One thought on “dinner with leeya”

  1. hahaa…I’m glad that you like my cooking…I’m even more happy that you were able to live to talk about it. 😉

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