it’s a touchy subject, but it’s also something that i feel strongly about. when it comes to relationships, i don’t think that there is room for insecurity anywhere. i’ve been the victim of insecurity’s fierce grasp and it only made a bad situation worse.
what i did hear recently was that the only reason someone reacts with such insecurity is because they really have deep-rooted feelings for them. now, i can see how the depth of your insecurity can be fueled by how much you care for someone and you are afraid of losing that person, but i do not think that it justifies acting on your insecurities.
one of the problems with jealousy, for example, is that you may have these feelings of jealousy for no good reason. there may not be a valid reason at all why you may have these feelings, yet they are there. this does not excuse you from acting out on these feelings and lashing out on others. even if you feel that they are bourne out of love, it doesn’t mean that there will be an equal, understanding reaction to them.
Security is the hardest commodity to come by in a relationship. You need capital, there’s lots of risk, and the pay off will have you set for life.